Police Officer Pulls Over Speeding Car To Discover Elderly Man In Need

In Michigan, Officer Kevin Coates pulled over 79-year-old David for speeding and IMMEDIATELY knew something was wrong.

He had tears in his eyes and said to the officer, “everything is going wrong.”

His wife is sick, they have an adult son with special needs. And that day he surprised his family by replacing their old tube TV with a brand new one, but didn’t have the right cables! He said he usually tries to drive right, but just wanted to make his wife happy, and has been to so many stores for help already.

Officer Coates got his information, gave him a verbal warning for speeding, and told him to go home and rest.

An hour later, he showed up at David’s home with two more officers, and they hooked up that TV.

Officers going above and beyond for their community, we love to see it.

Thank you Kayla Todaro!

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